Pubblicazioni – dott. Fabio Di Censo Oculista

  • Di Censo F Visual performance after bilateral implantation of 2 presbiopia correcting intraocular lenses : trifocal versus extended range of vision.,  J Cataract refractive surgery.June 2017
  • Di Censo F,. Changes in Aqueous Humor pH After Femtosecond Laser-Assisted Cataract Surgery. J Refract Surg. 2015 Jul; 31:462-5
  • Di Censo F, Cataract surgery and Aqueous Humor pH Changes. EC Ophthalmology 2015 Sept; 2(3): 97-100
  • Di Censo F,. Bilateral non arteritic ischemic optic neuropathy treated with HBO2 therapy: a case report of angiographic and electrodiagnostic findings.  Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine Journal, 2016 Mar-Apr, 43(2):167-73.
  • Imaging Microscopico in vivo delle cellule di  Langherans corneali. Italian  Ophthalmological Bullettin, 85 – n2 – 2006
  • UBM e Microscopia Confocale in vivo nella cicatrizzazione dopo trapianto di membrana amniotica. Italian Ophthalmological Bullettin, 85 – n2 – 2006
  • Un caso di sindrome Morning Glory. Italian  Ophthalmological Bullettin, 85 – n2 – 2006
  • Effetti della Pneumotrabeculoplastica nel glaucoma primario ad angolo aperto. Italian Ophthalmological Bullettin, 85-  n3 – 2006
  • Un Caso di megalopapilla Bilaterale asimmetrica. Italian Ophthalmological Bullettin, 85-  n3 – 2006
  • ESCRS Copenaghen 10-14\9\ 2016 Acqueous humor pH changes using femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery and intracameral mydriatic solution: our experience
  • ESCRS Copenaghen 10-14\9\ 2016 : Refractive and visual outcomee of  multifocal intraocular lens implantation using femtosecond laser cataract surgery :our experience.
  • ASCRS a San Francisco (21/4/2013): Clinical outcomes of DSAEK performed using THIN C
  • ASCRS a Chicago (23/4/2012): Differences between Multifocal, Pseudoaccomodative  and Accomodative Iol after cataract surgery
  • WOK a Abu Dhabi (18/2/2012): THIN C: a new deswelling solution for lamellar keratoplasty
  • ESCRS a Vienna (20/9/2011): Clinical outcomes of DSAEK